Saturday, November 20, 2010

Discovering Your Purpose

by Kudzai Kutukwa

Why am i here? Whats my assignment on earth? Why was i born? What is my calling in life? Since time immemorial these questions have plagued the human mind. Human beings have always grappled with these questions in their quest for significance and relevance. It is the answers to these questions that will lead us to discover the most important thing in our lives: purpose.

Purpose can be defined as a reason for being, object, aim or intention. It is the "Why". I am fully convinced that every person was created to fulfill a specific purpose on this planet. There are certain people you need to touch, certain places you need to visit and certain tasks you need to accomplish. Your birth was not an accident or coincidence no matter the circumstances that may surround it. It is also no act of fate that you were born in this time in history. You could have been born during the dark ages or stone age. You could have been born next year or in the next millenium, it was all possible. You were born in this age, in your family, in your nation, with your skin colour to fill a void that no one else can fill and that no one else can ever fill! You are a unique human being with a unique combination of talents, passions and abilities that noone has before you has had and that noone else after you will have. Only YOU will have them!!

Everything that has been created serves a particular purpose. Take a look around you: the chair you are sitting on, your desk. your computer, everything is serving a particular purpose. What purpose are you serving? Living a purpose-less life is one of life's most grandest tragedies which can only be equalled by having the wrong purpose! It is akin to using a hammer for screwing or a screwdriver for hammering! It may keep you busy for a while but you will not make any significant progress because you will be using the right tool for the wrong job. As foolish as that may seem that is how millions of people around the world are living their lives, they were designed to be screwdrivers but they are trying to do a hammer's job! Life without purpose is filled with frustration, misery and plenty of regrets. Is this the kind of life you want?

If you have not discovered your purpose yet, do not despair. Grab a pen and your journal and answer the following questions as honestly as you can. These questions can help you to discover your assignment.
1) If money were no object and if success was guaranteed, what would you do with your life? what would you accomplish of eternal significance? what would you establish or build? The answer to the above question needs careful thought and soul searching on a much deeper level. Write down your answer in your journal.
2) What are you passionate about? What gives you the greatest joy and a sense of fulfillment when you do it?
3) What do you really hate? you may be shocked by this question but what you hate reveals what you were created to correct.
4) What are your natural talents, gifts and abilities? As you write down your responses and study them, you will begin to notice common traits, thus getting you on the road to discovering your God-ordained purpose.

Dr Myles Munroe once stated that, " The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but life without a reason. It is dangerous to be alive and not know why you were given life. One of the most frustrating experiences is to have time but not know why." I couldn't agree more

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